Australian Lawyers Lag in Thought Leadership Landscape

I’d like the privilege of speaking in the fourth Australian Legal Managing Partners Conference at Sanctuary Cove around the Queensland Gold Coast around Australia lately. The subject “Give me an idea to become renowned for?” The position I required about how you receive there – thought leadership.

The interesting area of the talk was things I discovered within my research and knowledge gathering phase within the days preceding the presentation. I spoke to a few of the heads of communication at some Australia’s greatest Litigation Lawyers in Gold Coast regarding their thoughts about thought leadership within the Australian legal industry.

It was adopted by a few desktop researches on which six from the leading global law firms do online using their thought leadership qualities. The six incorporated Allen & Overy, Baker & McKenzie, Skadden, Linklaters and Clifford Chance

The legal industry spokespeople were unanimous that thought leadership across Australian legal firms continues to be in the infancy. While there are several great pockets of thought leadership, it’s random and very little time or sources are allocated to it.

Contrastingly after I explored the worldwide big six law practice, or Magic Circle firms because they are known, they appear, according to my online observations anyway, to become well en route using their thought leadership qualities.

Before I discuss the special moment Circle firms, I wish to illustrate what’s happening within the thought leadership space for that legal industry lower under which is most likely best highlighted by snatches from the conversations I held with four from the leading communication professionals across Australia’s leading lawyers.

“It’s unsophisticated we are not nearly there yet.”

“Partners frequently have competing interests.”

“Our partners tend to be more like media champions than thought leaders.”

“Most lawyers are reticent to stay their necks out.”

“We are worried about upsetting clients.”

“It is a time issue – the billable hour rules.”

“I do not think the partners have experienced the advantage of thought leadership yet.”

It had not been all bad though, there have been some positives. For instance, there have been numerous comments which established that thought leadership keeps growing and achieving much more of an existing marketing and communications tool. These incorporated:

“Thought leadership is beginning to seep with the firm.”

“The legal marketplace is altering quickly, there’s growing competition globally and in your area and we’ll need to differentiate.”

“There’s a golden chance to make use of older partners they are driving our thought leadership efforts.”

“We have seen some fantastic benefits using our website for the thought leadership content.”

An assorted bag, however, many positive noises for thought leadership nearby.

With regards to the special moment Circle firms, all six possess some great thought leadership qualities online:

Linklaters – have something known as “Year in Review” and “The Entire Year in the future” which summarizes major developments in British law and expectations for 2012. They likewise have Very Hot Topics which hosts papers across widely varying issues.